In particular international students want or have to work besides their studies in Germany: both for a financial basis and for practical experiences to find a job after graduating. There is a lot to consider, especially regarding to the actual coronavirus crisis.
Our focal points will be social security contributions, labour law and taxes. We answer the following questions: Who is allowed to work? How long are international students allowed to work? What about an internship? Whom to contact with issues?
Furthermore we talk about relevant laws and arrangements that have been passed in the course of the corona crisis. As well we will give a review about further possibilities for your funding of studies.
This lecture is primarily addressed to Non-EU students which obtain a residence permit for the purpose of study ("Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach § 16 AufenthG zum Zwecke des Studiums"). All interested persons are welcome.
Die Kontaktbörse für Studierende und Unternehmen.
Mit Veröffentlichungsdatenbank
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